Communications Evolved

Buttonwood Communications Group is a boutique public relations, marketing and strategic communications firm specializing — or you might say, deeply rooted — in financial services. Since 2020, Buttonwood has been ranked a top 25 financial PR firm by O'Dwyer's.


The game has changed – has your model?

Today your target audiences have a greater ability to filter out your message than ever before. Reaching discerning audiences in this new era requires communications programs that consider all methods of distribution and engagement – even if the primary mission is focused exclusively on media relations.

At Buttonwood, this philosophy allows us to see the larger strategic picture and develop ideas that can be leveraged through all communications channels to create meaningful results and add value across the enterprise. While media relations is core to many of the Buttonwood team’s assignments, we have amassed an equally impressive success record for our holistic or integrated approach to communications. Our integrated model incorporates a range of services that includes earned, owned and sponsored media, website design and development, content development and marketing support.


While media relations is core to many of the Buttonwood team’s assignments, we have amassed an equally impressive success record for our holistic or integrated approach to communications. Learn more about our approach:


What's with the Buttonwood Tree?

Those familiar with Wall Street legend and history will recall the famous story of the buttonwood tree. In 1792, 24 brokers signed an agreement under a buttonwood tree that essentially formed the New York Stock Exchange. The document would become known as the Buttonwood Agreement.

The buttonwood tree was a natural choice as a symbol for our financial services focused communications firm. Besides being an obvious growth symbol – a tree – the ability to connect our story with the Wall Street history provided a compelling device to communicate our own deep roots in the industry. (And of course lent itself to amusing word play).